Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) Workshop
This course will be taught by leading experts in this field:
Greg Allenby (Helen C. Kurtz Chair in Marketing at The Ohio State University)
Joachim Büschken (Chair of Marketing at the Katholische Universitüt Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Peter Kurz (Managing Partner Innovation & Methods, bms marketing research + strategy)
Winfried Steiner (Chair of Marketing at Clausthal University of Technology).
Greg Allenby
Greg Allenby is Helen C. Kurtz Chair in Marketing, Professor of Marketing, Professor of Statistics at the Ohio State University in Colombus (Ohio/United States). Professor Allenby's research focuses on the development and application of quantitative methods in marketing. He is the author of two books: Bayesian Statistics and Marketing (2005, Wiley) that is used to train doctoral students throughout the world, and Seven Summits of Marketing Research (2014) that is used for MBA students. His research is used to improve product, pricing, promotion and targeting strategies at leading firms.
He is a fellow of the Informs Society for Marketing Science and the American Statistical Association. He is past editor of Quantitative Marketing and Economics, and past associated editor of Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research and the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Within the American Marketing Association, Greg has served as Vice President of the Research Council and has chaired the Advanced Research Technique (ART) Forum, a national conference that brings together quantitative researchers from industry and academia. Within the American Statistical Association, he has served as Chair of the Section on Statistics in Marketing. He has authored over 100 publications that have appeared in leading journals in marketing, statistics and economics.
Selected Publications:
- Rossi, Peter E., Greg M. Allenby and Robert McCulloch (2005) Bayesian Statistics and Marketing, John Wiley & Sons.
- Allenby, Greg M. and Peter E. Rossi (2006) "Hierarchical Bayes Models" in The Handbookof Marketing Research, Rajiv Grover and Marco Vriens, editors. Sage Publications.
- Chandukala, Sandeep R., Jaehwan Kim, Thomas Otter, Peter E. Rossi and Greg M. Allenby (2008) "Choice Models in Marketing: Economic Assumptions, Challenges and Trends," in Foundations and Trends in Marketing, Vol 2, No. 2, 97-184. Now Publishers.
- Liu, Qing, ThomasOtter and Greg M. Allenby (2009) "Measurement of Own-and Cross-Price Effects" in Handbook of Research in Pricing,Vithala Rao, editor. E-Elgar, Publishers
- Perspectives on Promotion and Database Marketing: The Collected Works of Robert C. Blattberg(2010), Greg M. Allenby, editor. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
- Rossi, Peter E. and Greg M. Allenby (2011) "Bayesian Applications in Marketing," in Handbook of Bayesian Econometrics, Gary Koop, Herman van Dijk and JohnGeweke, editors, Oxford University Press.
- Allenby, Greg M. and Jeff D. Brazell (2016)Seven Summits of Marketing Research: Decision-Based Analytics for Marketing's Toughest Problems, self-published,
- Allenby, Greg M., Jaehwan Kim and Peter E. Rossi (2017) "Economic Models of Choice," in Handbook of Marketing Decision Models,Berend Wierenga and Ralf van der Lands, editors, Springer.
- Allenby, Greg M. and Peter E. Rossi (2018) "Bayesian Econometrics," in Handbook of Marketing Analytics: Methods and Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy, and Litigation Support, Natalie Mizik and Dominique Hanssens, editors, EdwardElgar Publishing.
- Howell, John R., Greg M. Allenby and Peter E. Rossi (2018) "Feature Valuation Using Equilibrium Analysis," inHandbook of Marketing Analytics: Methods and Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy, and Litigation Support, Natalie Mizik and Dominique Hanssens, editors, EdwardElgar Publishing.
- Allenby, Greg M. (2018) "How can you use models in a meaningful way for your market?" in Mapping Out Marketing: Navigation Lessons from the Ivory Trenches, Ronald Hill, Cait Lamberton and Jennifer Swartz, editors, Routledge: Taylor and Francis.
- Allenby, Greg M. and Peter E. Rossi (2019) "Inference for Marketing Decisions," in Handbook of the Economics of Marketing, JP Dube and Peter Rossi, editors, Elsevier.
Joachim Büschken
Joachim Büschken is Professor of Marketing at the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. His major rersearch interest is survey methodology and data analysis, marketing, marketing research, customer satisfaction and Bayesian statistics. Joachim has co-authored a lot of journal papers on Bayesian topics in the last years.
Selected Publications:
- Büschken, J.; Otter, T.; Allenby, G. (2013): The Dimensionality of Customer Satisfaction Survey Responses and Implications for Driver Analysis, Marketing Science, Vol. 32 (4), pp. 533-553.
- Ma, S.; Büschken, J. (2011): Counting your customers from an always a share perspective, Marketing Letters, Vol. 22 (3), pp. 243-257.
- Büschken, J. (2009): When Does Data Envelopment Analysis Outperform a Naive Efficiency Measurement Model?, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 192 (2), pp. 647-657.
- Büschken, J. (2007): Determinants of Brand Advertising Efficiency - Evidence from the German Car Market, Journal of Advertising, Vol. 36 (3), pp. 51-73.
Peter Kurz
Peter Kurz is Managing Partner - Innovation & Methods at bms marketing research & strategy in Munich, Germany. From 2001 to 2018 he worked as Head of Research and Development for KANTAR TNS. He is working in the field of conjoint analysis and discrete choice models since 1996 and is one of the world´s leading practitioners in the field of discrete choice modeling and conjoint analysis with a strong academic background. Up to now, Peter supervised more than 5,000 conjoint studies worldwide for clients of nearly all industry sectors including both durable and nondurable consumer goods as well as services. Beyond discrete choice and conjoint models, he is an expert for nonlinear models, regression techniques, and Bayesian statistics. Peter holds an M.A. in Sociology, Political Sciences and Statistics from the University of Tübingen and the University of Applied Science Aalen. Before he joined the TNS Company he worked as assistant and lecturer for statistics at the University Tübingen, Consultant for Data Analysis at the Department of Criminology from University Tübingen, Project Manager of a Panel-Study on juvenile delinquency, and scientific assistant (C2) at the Institute of Criminal Justice at the University Münster. Peter is a frequent presenter on academic conferences (GFKL, AGDANK, BIS, ECDA, CLADAG, Marketing Science, SKIM, Sawtooth Conference, ART Forum), he presented more than 35 papers in the last 20 years. Peter is well known in the international choice modeling community for his work on the upper level model in Hierarchical Bayes estimation and for his studies on the validity of choice models.
Selected Publications:
- Paetz, F., Hein, M., Kurz, P., Steiner, W. (2019): Latent Class Conjoint Choice Models: A Guide for Model Selection, Estimation, Validation, and Interpretation of Results, Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management, 41(4), 2019, 3-20.
- Hein, M., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.:On the effect of HB covariance matrix prior settings: A simulation study. Journal of Choice Modelling, 31, 2019, 51-72.
- Hein, M., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.: Analyzing the Capabilities of the HB Logit Model for Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis: A Simulation Study. In: Journal of Business Economics (forthcoming).
- Kurz, P., Binner, S. (2018): Predictive Analytics with Revealed Preference − Stated Preference Models. Proceedings of the 2018 Sawtooth Software Conference.
- Kurz, P., Binner, S. (2017): Simulating from HB Upper Level Model, Proceedings of the 2016 Sawtooth Software Conference.
- Kurz, P., Binner, S. (2015): Capturing Individual Level Behavior In DCM, Proceedings of the 2015 Sawtooth Software Conference.
- Pachali, M., Kurz, P., Otter, T. (2014): How to Generalize from a Hierarchical Model, ART Forum 2014
- Selka, S., Baier, D., Kurz, P. (2014): The Validity of Conjoint Analysis. An Investigation of Commercial Studies over Time. Spiliopoulou, Myra (Hrsg.): Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery, Springer, 227-234.
- Kurz, P., Binner, S., Kehl, L. (2013): Research Space and Realistic Pricing in Shelf Layout Conjoint (SLC), Proceedings of the 2013 Sawtooth Software Conference.
- Kurz, P., Binner, S. (2012): The Individual Choice Task Threshold: Need for Variable Number of Choice Tasks, Proceedings of the 2012 Sawtooth Software Conference.
- Kurz, P, Binner, S. (2011): Added Value through Covariates in HB Modeling?, Proceedings of the 2011 Sawtooth Software Conference.
- Kurz Peter (2008): A Comparison between Discrete Choice Models based on Virtual Shelves and Flat Shelf Layouts, Proceedings SKIM Working Towards Symbioses Conference Barcelona.
Prof. Dr. Winfried Steiner
Winfried Steiner is Professor of Marketing at Clausthal University of Technology, Germany. He holds a diploma in Business and Economics from the University of Augsburg, and achieved his doctoral grade and postdoctoral lecture qualification at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Regensburg. Winfried started to work in the field of conjoint analysis in his doctoral thesis where he proposed heuristics and game-theoretic conjoint models for optimal new product (line) design. Since then his research has been published in refereed journals like European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, OR Spectrum, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Choice Modelling, Journal of Business Economics (formerly ZfB), Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (zfbf), Marketing ZFP, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Computational Statistics, International Journal of Market Research, Review of Marketing Science, or ASTA Advances in Statistical Analysis. Winfried is a regular presenter on international conferences (ECDA, GFKL, Marketing Science, EMAC, EIRASS, EURO, ASMDA, CLADAG), and was listed in the Handelsblatt Ranking 2009 for business economists among the top 200 researchers at universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Beyond conjoint analysis he has a strong research focus on sales and price response modeling where he is known as an expert for semi-/nonparametric and Hierarchical Bayesian regression models.
Selected Publications
Papers on Conjoint Analysis
- Paetz, F., Hein, M., Kurz, P., Steiner, W. (2019): Latent Class Conjoint Choice Models: A Guide for Model Selection, Estimation, Validation, and Interpretation of Results, Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management, 41(4), 2019, 3-20.
- Hein, M., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.:On the effect of HB covariance matrix prior settings: A simulation study. Journal of Choice Modelling 31, 2019, 51-72.
- Hein, M., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.: Analyzing the Capabilities of the HB Logit Model for Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis: A Simulation Study. In: Journal of Business Economics (forthcoming).
- Paetz, F., Steiner, W.: The Benefits of Incorporating Utility Dependencies in Finite Mixture Probit Models. In: OR Spectrum, 39(3), 2017, 793-819.
- Paetz, F., Steiner, W.: Utility Independence versus IIA Property in Independent Probit Models. In: Journal of Choice Modelling, Vol.26,2018,41-47.
- Paetz, F., Steiner, W.: Die Berücksichtigung von Abhängigkeiten zwischen Alternativen in Finite Mixture Conjoint Choice Modellen: Eine Simulationsstudie. In:
Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management, Vol. 37 (2), 2015, 90-100.
- Steiner, W.: A Stackelberg-Nash Model for New Product Design. In: OR Spectrum, Vol. 1, 2010, 21-48.
- Baumgartner, B., Steiner, W.: Hierarchisch bayesianische Methoden in der Conjointanalyse. In: Baier, D., Brusch, M. (Hrsg.): Conjointanalyse: Methoden-Anwendungen-Praxisbeispiele, 2009, 147-162.
- Steiner, W., Baumgartner, B.: Spieltheoretische Ansätze in der Conjointanalyse. In: Baier, D., Brusch, M. (Hrsg.): Conjointanalyse: Methoden-Anwendungen-Praxisbeispiele, 2009, 183-198.
- Baumgartner, B., Steiner, W.: Are Consumers Heterogeneous in their Preferences for Odd and Even Prices? New Empirical Findings from a Choice-Based Conjoint Study. In: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Volume 24 (4), 2007, 312-323.
- Steiner, W., Hruschka, H. (2005): Heuristiken in der Produktpolitik. In: Holzmüller, H.H., Schuh, A.: Innovationen im sektoralen Marketing, 163-181.
- Steiner, W., Baumgartner, B.: Conjoint-Analyse und Marktsegmentierung. In: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), 74. Jahrgang, Heft 6, 2004, 1-25.
- Steiner, W., Hruschka, H.: Genetic Algorithms for Product Design: How Well Do They Really Work. In: International Journal of Market Research, The Journal of the Market Research Society, Volume 45, Quarter 2, 2003, 229-240.
- Steiner, W., Hruschka, H.: Produktliniengestaltung mit Genetischen Algorithmen. In: Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (zfbf), Jahrgang 54, November 2002, 575-601.
- Steiner, W., Hruschka, H.: A Probabilistic One-Step Approach to the Optimal Product Line Design Problem Using Conjoint and Cost Data. In: Review of Marketing Science, Electronic Journal, 2002.
- Steiner, W., Hruschka, H.: Conjointanalyse-basierte Produkt(linien)gestaltung unter Berücksichtigung von Konkurrenzreaktionen. In: OR Spectrum, Volume 1, 2000, 71-95.
Other Recent Publications:
- Guhl, D., Baumgartner, B., Kneib, T., Steiner, W.: Estimating Time-Varying Parameters in Brand Choice Models: A Semiparametric Approach. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35(3), 2018, 394-414.
- Baumgartner, B., Guhl, D., Kneib, T., Steiner, W.: Flexible Estimation of Time-Varying Effects for Frequently Purchased Retail Goods: A Modeling Approach Based on Household Panel Data. OR Spectrum, Vol. 40(4), 2018, 837-873.
- Weber, A., Steiner, W., Lang, S.:
A Comparison of Semiparametric and Heterogeneous Store Sales Models for Optimal Category Pricing. OR Spectrum, Vol. 39 (2), 2017, 403-445.
- Lang, S., Weber, A., Steiner, W., and Wechselberger, P.: Accommodating Heterogeneity and Nonlinearity in Price Effects for Predicting Brand Sales and Profits. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol. 246(1), 2015, 232-241.
- Haupt, H., Kagerer, K., Steiner, W.: Smooth Quantile-Based Modeling of Brand Sales, Price and Promotional Effects from Retail Scanner Panels. In: Journal of Applied Econometrics (JAE), Vol. 29(6), 2014, 1007-1028.
- Steiner, W., Siems, F., Weber, A., Guhl, D.: How customer satisfaction with respect to price and quality affects customer retention: an integrated approach considering nonlinear effects. In: Journal of Business Economics (JBE), Volume 84 (6), 2014, 879-912.